Bricklayers Local 1 February Union Meeting

At the February 2021 Local 1 Union Meeting, ADC Director Brian Jennewein and ADC Secretary-Treasurer John Hopkin presented Brother Paul Mahoney with his 25-Year Service Pin.
Additionally, ADC Secretary-Treasurer John Hopkin performed the swearing in of a new Journeyman Bricklayer, Alex Mers, who recently completed his Apprenticeship.
John also performed a swearing-in of Richard Schmidt, newly appointed as Sargent-at-Arms.
Members receiving Service Awards since November 2020:
25 years: Louis Fieser (01MO), Jerome Norvell (01MO), Rickey Shaw (01MO), Douglas Clark (01MO), Steven Coulter (01MO), Paul Mahoney (01MO), Nick Bollinger (01MO), Doug Vehige (01MO)
40 years: Jim Schmidt (01MO), Dan Lovins (01MO), John Dowling (01MO), John Harlan, Jr. (01MO)
50 years: Bill Clement (01MO)