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2023 Gold Card Recipients

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We recently hosted our Retirees for the Summer Luncheon, and as is customary at this event, presented our newest Life Members with their Gold Cards and Watches.  This year was the largest group of Life Members to date.  Shown below are those Gold Card recipients who were able to attend the Luncheon receiving their Gold Cards from Retired ADC Director Don Brown, as well as the group of Gold Card recipients with our Officers, current and retired. 


Shown in the front row (L to R) are John Thiemann, Gary Martini, Silas Hinson, Retired Local 1 Business Agent Bob Guinn, Retired ADC Secretary-Treasurer John Finder, Tom Deutman, Mark Callier, John Barnum, and Mike Abeln. Shown in the back row are (L to R) Local 1 President and Business Agent Johnny Walker, Jr., Local 1 Vice President and Business Agent Terry Daniel, ADC Secretary-Treasurer Michael Fox, Sr., Retired ADC Director Don Brown, Current ADC Director Brian Jennewein, Local 1 Recording Secretary and Business Agent Tim Kaikkonen, Local 18 President and Business Agent Mike Weber, and Local 18 Sargent-at-Arms and Business Agent Anthony Bono.

Not present, but also receiving Gold Cards this year were: Douglas Brucker, Richard Cherry, Tom Crane, Michael Cronin, Walter Gray, Eddy Koelling, and Larry Murphy.

Additional Service Awards announced this month were: 
25 Years:  Gary Anspach, Joshua Petty and Loren Thompson 
40 Years:  Ed Windle, Kirk Prothman, and Terry Christian.